Look At Me!

Friday, November 23, 2012


Relocating to a new place is always scary. Especially when you are crossing oceans.You are basically in a new world, with new cultures, with new people, with different beliefs, with new perspectives to life and work. Not to mention the new stares (Now I know how animals in a zoo feel like. I don't think I will ever visit a zoo again in my life). The occasional relief when you see someone from your own habitat.

Its just a matter of days. Human beings are wonderful creatures. Soon the new place becomes the new habitat.


  1. Change fears me more then my known fears...then again if I think about change I might find things I love that I was to scared to try...

    1. I am always ambivalent about change. sometimes it scares me and sometimes I welcome it :)

  2. now a days i really want to go some where for changing of my mood i want to run away from all of my work:S Don't be afraid :) soon you become aware of your new place :)

    1. Very true Aisha, sometimes I do feel like running away from everything!

  3. Well, I do not know how it is living with deep roots. It seems a good thing, but my life was always uprooting! From the middle of the Mediterranean Sea to Asian South-East, to Micronesia, to Europe, to South America... Who knows where I'll be next time. Hope it is Earth yet!!! :))))))

    I am always the new Ape in the zoo! But people are nice, they all want to give 'the new Ape' a peanut!! :))))))

    1. wow!You are one great traveler for sure!! Though its a different story if its by choice. But you are right, the new Ape always gets extra peanuts :)

  4. That does sound like a difficult situation. I know this is off the point but I couldn't resist coming back because I love the new layout of your blog. It looks really good. Have you made any blog buttons yet? I have three blog buttons on the bottom right side of my blog. If you want to grab one and paste one onto your website they are there for anyone to use. That way you can get onto my website quicker. Have a great day!:)

    1. Hi Susana, please keep visiting as much as you like :) you are always welcome!
      And yes I have just grabbed your button. You can find it on my blog now :)


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