Look At Me!

Monday, May 6, 2013

6. wHat dO I Do?

Day 6, Monday: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?

Ok Day 6 is NOT good. Anyone who has read this post of mine, will know how much I like being asked this question. For those of you who don't, here's a detail of one typical weekday of my life.

Now, it is surprising how simple things can create a jolt in one's life. (Like today, it nearly jolted my husband just to see me awake at 8:00 am in the morning). Fine! I am not a morning person. ok? I usually wake up around 8:30 - 9 ish (Its not like I have a job to get to or something)
Usually I finish all the morning rituals (includes all the brushing, washing, breakfast, etc) and then make myself a tea (yeah that's right. I am a tea person) at around 10-ish.
With my tea, I switch on my laptop. First thing I check is all the comments from my previous posts followed by reading all the posts of my blogging friends. From 12:00-1, I watch the re-run of Charmed on Channel 11. (I am a witch fan, remember?)

And then I make lunch, eat lunch, check if I have any more blog comments... take a walk in the park, make dinner, check for comments....pack next day's lunch for hus, sketch (if i feel like), check for comments... dance around a little bit, watch a movie, check for comments... eat dinner, do dishes, check for comments... skype friends, blog my BEDIM post, check for more comments..switch off laptop, read book, pray and sleep!

Voila! there you have it! Well, any comments?


  1. Sounds like a lovely, if only vaguely similar day.I used to be a morning person, until I had to be. This is the third year of my son having to be up at 6:15 for school. Next year my daughter has to be up then as well, and she is not easy to gt out of bed!

    1. Hi Andrea,
      oh God at 6:15?? poor you!!
      As for me I can barely distinguish one day from another anymore!!

  2. I am not a fan of the question, "What do you do" either. Although, not for your reasons. (That post was hilarious. People really should warn us if they are bringing/sending someone by!) While I don't like tea, I do enjoy a good Charmed re-run!

    1. oh the charmed Ones - They can Charm you over and over again!!

  3. I too have to face this question almost every other day and I dont understand the surprise look I get from them when I reply ," I do simply nothing" ! would they understand if I tell them ," I enjoy life"! ? :-D Hey , I am also a tea person .


    1. ha ha ha - I love to see the expression on people's faces when I say that! lol

  4. My only comment is . . . why did you choose the photo of a pelican to illustration this particular post?

  5. Oh, I get this question sometimes, too. I'm a stay at home mom now, and it can be pretty annoying when people ask me what I do. I want to say, "What do you think I do? I take care of my kids." Gah!

    Sorry about the mini-rant. I hope you have a nice Monday. ☺

    1. oh rant away, Dana!
      when people ask me I say I just rescued some possums! I can excellent responses always.. lOl

  6. sometimes I am confused to answer the question "what do you do" because of the even activities.

    checking for comment frequently, I also do that when there's no something urgent to do.

  7. I am a home maker and I think it is not an easy job to do :)
    I love tea also, enjoyed the post :)

  8. Right there with you today Nina, sitting in the sun with a cup of tea catching up on my blog reading (totally ignoring the fact that I am moving - internationally - in 5 weeks and really should be prioritising that!).

    Hope you are having a great start to your week.

    Kate x
    Kate at Home

  9. I get "What are you going to do now that you are retired?"

    I answer, "My retirement is not working."

  10. It is a tough question even if you are working out of the home but even tougher as a stay at home person I would think. I am always amazed at people who ask this question like other people owe them an answer or with some insinuation that the other is a lazy clod...ACK!

  11. I have never been a morning person at all! And we spend a lot of time awake at night so I refuse to get up early in mornings. Enjoy your tea!

  12. I find this a very amusing, honest and fun response. Good for you. I do a lot of 'comments' checking too!

  13. Haha Nina, this captures the life-of-a-dedicated blogger perfectly!!

  14. Here is another comment for you to check for and find! :D

    In a way I envy you, because I work full time, and yet I know that when I'm not working I am much more of a slacker with all my creative pursuits. It's a weird thing.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Excellent post !!!!
    As Trisha said - another comment for you to check.
    Have a great day !

  17. whatta life! I am not a morning person too, but my alarm is set at 6:30am every day, though I snooze it several times until half seven...

    Ohhh some of us have to work..:)

  18. I'm a tea drinker too. Green tea matter of fact. Then a soy latte. Then breakie.

  19. Lol - I know what you mean! It's way too easy to become obsessive about Blog comments. It's interesting to get to know you in these posts Nina, thank you! :)


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